基本費用 Base fee | 全保 Upgrade Plan (視乎車款$60-70/24小時計算) (Depend on Car Types $60 - 70/24hours) | 基本保 Base Plan ($0/24小時計算) ($0/24hours) |
對人彌償 Bodily Injury Compensation 每人無限制 (包含自賠責保險3,000萬日圓) Unlimited per person(includes the JPY 30 million from the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance)
| 0日圓 JPY 0 | 0日圓 JPY 0
對物彌償 Property Damage Compensation 每起事故無限制(最高承擔金額5萬日圓) Unlimited per accident (Deductible of up to JPY 50,000 in case of an accident)
| 0日圓 JPY 0
車輛彌償 Vehicle Insurance 每起事故的時價 Market rate per accident
發生事故時的承擔金額(小巴、普通貨物車、特殊用途車10萬日圓、其他5萬日圓) Deductible of JPY 100,000 for minibuses, regular cargo trucks, and special-use vehicles, and JPY 50,000 for all other vehicles in case of an accident ※不包含拖車費用、爆胎及車胎漏氣 *Towing fees during accidents apply *Punctured or blown-out tires do not apply
| 0日圓 JPY 0
人身傷害彌償 Personal Injuruy Compensation 每人3,000萬日圓以內 無論駕駛者的過失如何,乘客乘車時遭遇事故引致的受傷(包括後遺癥)或者是死亡都可以得到彌償。損失額根據保險條款所定基準計算。 Up to JPY 30 million per person Compensation will be paid when a passenger sustains an injury (including any complications) or die as a result of a traffic accident, regardless of the existence of negligence on the part of the driver. The compensation for damage or loss will be calculated based on the standards stipulated in the insurance contract.
| 0日圓 JPY 0
營業損失費用 Non-Operation Charge (NOC) | 可駕駛的情況 20,000日圓 或 無法駕駛的情況 50,000日圓
If driveable JPY 20,000 or If undriveable JPY 50,000 |
其他承擔金額 Other sums payable
| 承擔實際費用 Actual Cost Payable |